Forge In The Forest

Come on by and check out our shop, we are happy to host you! We can accommodate group events to come and see our forge. On site demonstrations and trains are available. Construct something meaningful with your coworkers and schedule us for your next big corporate event. We love working with Boy scouts, 4H groups, Farmers markets, or other after school programs! (Please Note we do have limited space available to our workshop, so please enquire)

Mikes Resume

Courses taken 

Tom Latane Norse axe @ Tillers MI.

Mark Aspery ring project, tool making @Touchstone School Laurel Highlands PA.

Bill Epps Intro to Blacksmithing @Campbell Folk school

Clay Spencer tire hammer build & maintain NY

Jay Burnham Kidwell traditional joinery @The Appalation school of the arts Tennessee 

David Robinson Canada Basic Blacksmithing @ Ontario Canada

Jim Slining 2 classes colonial ironwork @ Tillers Mi.

Tim Carr Knife making @ Tillers Mi.

Bob Trout coppersmith @ Ontario NY

Allen Kress Wedge Joinery @ Rochester New York


Cobblestone Museum Avon NY

Nysdba All Hands Meet Marion NY

New York State Fair Albany NY

Arc & Flame  Rochester NY

Morgans Apple Farm Days Marion NY

Cub Scouts Newark NY

 KABLAM Kalamazoo MI

MABA     Kalamazoo MI

Oshtemo Historical society Kalamazoo MI

St. Joseph Historical Society MI

Scottish Festival Payson UT